The Stages Leading to Braces Removal

The Stages Leading to Braces Removal

When Do I Get My Braces Off?

Most recipients of braces use them to improve their facial appearance through the straightening of teeth and improve their teeth’s ability to bite correctly.  Even though the brace user chooses this dental procedure, he or she still naturally prefers a mouth without braces! Knowing when they are likely to be removed is really important as it is a relief being able to display a better set of teeth after the completion of the procedure. Dr. Demas and his team at Demas Orthodontics find the number one question they are asked is “When do I get my braces off?”

No one person goes through exactly the same treatment program, so the time frame required for braces to complete a good job does naturally vary. The procedure follows certain standardized steps, some of which take longer than others.

At Demas Orthodontics, successful braces treatment undergoes three treatment stages. Each of these stages has to be completed satisfactorily before the preceding stage commences. The first step is analyzing and correcting the crowding of teeth; the second is aligning the teeth, while the third involves bite correction.

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Tooth-Friendly Recipe 7: Black Bean Rice Burgers

Tooth-Friendly Recipe 7: Black Bean Rice Burgers

black bean rice burgers

How to Make Nutritious Burgers From Black Beans and Rice

After you begin to wear braces, it is essential to eat tooth friendly food that offers a lot of nutritional value. Black bean rice burgers are simple to prepare and easy to chew. You need to have several ingredients to cook rice burgers, including:

• White or brown rice
• Black beans
• Salsa
• Breadcrumbs
• Chopped onions
• Whipped eggs
• Vegetable oil

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One Who Smiles Rather Than Rages Is Always the Strongest

One Who Smiles Rather Than Rages Is Always the Strongest


Smile quotes give an opportunity to think more deeply about the meaning of a smile. While smiles communicate happiness and pleasure, they can also show a deep commitment to wisdom and truth.


Whether you realize it or not, you are faced with the choice to smile in the face of adversity every day. An orthodontist in Southington understands the importance of choosing to smile. Facial expressions can have a direct effect on our feelings and actions. When we make the choice to smile, we are choosing a path that gives strength and endurance for harder things to come.

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Begin a New Day With a Simple SMILE

Begin a New Day With a Simple SMILE


Late great comedienne Phyllis Diller said a lot of funny things, but one smile quote she gave had a lot of wisdom to it as well: “A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.” When you begin your day with a smile, it sets you on the right track to happy hours filled with productive work and fun. If you see a dull, crooked or unattractive smile in the mirror, it can make it more difficult to feel motivated to move forth with joy.

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Mirrors Never Lie

Mirrors Never Lie

Team Demas Orthodontics

Life is like a mirror, we get the best results when we smile at it

Life is like a mirror. We get the best results when we smile at it, yet so many of us hide our smiles because of imperfections with our teeth. If your child is struggling with orthodontic issues, don’t hesitate to do something about it. Whether there is a problem with too much space, not enough space, or your child has an issue with his or her bite, braces for kids can mean a total transformation. Help your child get a beautiful smile and your child won’t only look better, but will have a boost in confidence as well. A smile is a calling card for the world. You want it to look its best and sometimes it means getting an orthodontist’s help.

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