
14 Ways your Child Can Alleviate Discomfort with Braces

by | Aug 8, 2017

Congratulations on your child getting their braces! However, exciting as this may be, it still holds a list of drawbacks, such as an inability to eat certain foods and mouth pain from the brackets and wires that were just installed. However, in the guide below, we will outline the top 14 ways you can alleviate your kid’s discomfort with their mouth gear and get them smiling again!  

1. Only Give Them Soft Food for the First Week

Even though your kid will be hungry for the first week of having their Invisalign put on, it will be incredibly hard for them to chew some foods. You should advise this and make sure that they avoid sticky, sweet, or hard foods at all costs. Instead of eating candy, steak, or pretzels, you should serve them soup or yogurt to soothe their sore mouths.
Not only can solid food hurt their mouths, but also possibly damage their oral equipment. After all, the last thing you want is another trip to the orthodontist office.

2. Have Them Gargle Saline

If your son or daughter has a lot of mouth pain, having them gargle saline can help ease the pain. Use a half glass of water with two pinches of salt to reduce their mouth’s swelling and soreness and repeat whenever necessary.

3. Use Ice Cubes

Although you should never have your kid chew ice, allowing it to sit in their mouths can help relieve swelling and tenderness. Make sure you tell your kid to avoid chewing ice or it can damage their teeth or break their brackets, which would need costly repairs.

4. Take Advantage of Painkillers

Although it’s important that you do not abuse their aid, taking advantage of painkillers can alleviate your kid’s pain. If your kid has potentially extreme mouth pain, you should allow your kid an Ibuprofen to reduce their pain. However, it’s always a smart idea to first consult your kid’s primary physician to determine what their dosage should be. If your kid’s mouth pain does not decrease within the week, you should think about making a trip to their the orthodontist office to make sure nothing serious has happened.

5. Use Orthodontic Wax Strips

If your kid experiences irritation or swelling of their lips, gums, or inner cheeks, their metal brackets, and wires may be causing them pain. You can use orthodontic wax to place over the metal to remedy the pain and tenderness your kid may face while wearing them.

What Your Child Should Expect Before and After Braces

6. Offer Up Ice Cream 

Your kid should only be offered sugary products such as ice cream ever so often. However, after your kid’s application procedure is finished, you should treat your kid to ice cream to reduce swelling and inflammation, as well as a celebratory treat.

7. Use Mouth Guards

The use of mouth guards can help decrease tenderness your kid feels from either their brackets or wires rubbing the interior of their mouth. Plus, it’s important to be wearing during full-contact sports or while sleeping to prevent any damage to their teeth.

8. Switch to a Soft-Bristled Toothbrush

If your kid does not already have one, switch their toothbrush to a soft-bristled one. Hard bristles can cause more pain. However, soft bristles are necessary to clean brackets and wires gently. Just make sure your kid is brushing in a circular motion on every bracket.

9. Use a Heating Pad

When their pain is localized around their jaw, a heating pad can be of use. If your kid is in pain and ice or cold food has not been helpful, this should be your next course of action. They can use the heating pad several times each day or whenever they are experiencing pain. If you do not have a heating pad, you can achieve the same results with a warm washcloth.

10. Don’t Touch the Sores

Sores can form in your child’s mouth because of the constant movement of their teeth and equipment. If your kid’s pain is caused by sores, make sure they are not touching the sores with their tongue or fingers. This will only make them worse.

11. Avoid Acidic Beverages

Though it may be a liquid, acidic drinks can do more damage than good. If your kid has sores, acidic foods and drinks will only make them worse. Don’t allow them to drink soda or citrus fruit juices like orange juice or lemonade. Instead, only allow them to drink milk, water, and other non-acidic beverages.

12. Massage Their Gums

Your kid can massage their gums with their fingers to help ease some of their pain. The same principle is at work as when you massage a muscle when it is bothering you. This can help to relax the gum tissue in your kid’s mouth, increase blood flow, and, in turn, make it a little more comfortable.

13. Use Frozen Teething Rings

Though these teething rings are made for teething babies, they can also be useful when managing pain associated with oral gear. Your kid can use them just the same as they did when they were a baby. First, freeze the rings. Then, your kid can put it in their mouth and chew on it using the teeth that are causing them the most pain. They can move the teething ring around their mouth to all of the sore areas until their pain has been relieved.

14. Give Them Time To Adjust 

At first, your daughter or son will likely be experiencing a lot of pain. Be sure to give them the time they need to adjust and adapt to their new mouth gear. As time goes on, they will not even notice the tenderness anymore. Though it is not enjoyable, the pain is completely normal. The important thing is to help your kid focus on the end product, straight teeth, and a perfect smile. It is your job as a parent to help your kid continue to practice good oral health habits, despite their discomfort.

Braces are a big responsibility. They require a lot of work and care. Though your child will need to be more aware of their dental and eating habits, it will be worth it when they finally get those braces removed. The pain and discomfort might be a lot to handle, but the end product makes it all alright. If the pain gets to be too much to handle, it may be time to visit your orthodontist’s office. For more information about our services or to set up an appointment, contact us today! 

 Team Demas Orthodontics

27 Meriden Ave #2a, Southington, CT 06489, USA

Phone: 860-276-0333

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