What is a Misaligned Bite

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The process of the teeth of the upper jaw meshing with the teeth of the bottom jaw is called occlusion. If done correctly, this involves 128 contact points. Malocclusion, also known as bad bite, is when your teeth do not fit together properly and your bite is not correct.
What Causes Bad Bite?
Genetics, you were born with it. You started out with good bite when you had your baby teeth but, when they fell out, your adult teeth did not follow the proper eruption pattern. Perhaps your teeth and jaws were not properly positioned causing your permanent teeth to grow in out of line.
Some people have jaws that are just too small to accommodate the size and number of permanent teeth. Bad habits such as thumb sucking can put undue pressure on erupting teeth and cause them to come in at strange angles.
What Happens if You Don’t Correct Bad Bite?
Not only does malocclusion spoil your looks, but it can lead to serious dental problems:
- Pressure is put on surrounding teeth causing them to loosen. You may even loose good teeth.
- You may develop ear canal problems.
- Poor alignment makes it more difficult for you to brush your teeth properly. Food can get trapped in hard-to-get areas resulting in tooth decay.
- Crowding of surrounding teeth may prevent your teeth from growing in straight.
- You may experience severe headaches.
Seeing an Orthodontist
So many people have crooked teeth that going to an orthodontist seems to be one of the natural steps of growing up. Orthodontists can straighten teeth with the use of braces and other appliances. The orthodontist will examine your mouth to see if you really need braces. If you do, he or she will take a case history, an X-ray, an an impression of your mouth. With the impression, your orthodontist will be able to see the positioning of every tooth in your mouth and will use this mold to cast models of your teeth.
Ordinarily, orthodontists use braces to align teeth. There are different types of braces and methods. Your orthodontist will use the best one according to your specific needs. Braces for adults are different than those used for children. Braces are made of a metal or a transparent material and fit onto your teeth. Your teeth are forced into correct alignment by the tightening or loosening of the wires that are attached to the braces. Your orthodontist will want to see you regularly while your braces are on to adjust the wires as needed. Getting braces can be expensive, but there are affordable braces that you can discuss with your orthodontist.
General Rules for Living with Braces
It is vitally important that you keep up a consistent program of good dental hygiene. Food deposits left under braces are very difficult to detect. When your braces are removed, you don’t want to discover a mouth full of cavities. Here are some tips:
- Avoid chewing gum.
- Don’t make any adjustments yourself. You could do more harm than good.
- Lighten up on sugars and starches.
- Make sure your appliance is clean before you put it in your mouth.
Contact Team Demas Orthodontics today if you wish to start the path to a more confident smile and good dental hygiene!
Team Demas Orthodontics
27 Meriden Ave #2a, Southington, CT 06489, USA
Phone: 860-276-0333