According to statistics, more than 1 million people get braces placed on their teeth each year. Braces are a hot commodity in the world today, and they are becoming even more popular with all the available alternatives. Teens

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and adults alike can enjoy braces because of the alternatives. No one has to choose the traditional metal braces anymore, although they still have amazing benefits to them. Traditional braces are not only some of the sturdiest types of braces, but they are also still affordable. However, some patients have specific reasons that they would rather not ask for a traditional alignment system. The modern orthodontic patient can now walk into a local orthodontics Southington office and ask about the following alternatives to traditional metal braces and brackets:
Lingual Braces: Behind the Scenes
Lingual braces provide an alternative to patients who want the sturdiness of the traditional metal brackets but not all of the obviousness. Lingual braces are metal braces that fit on the back of the teeth. They are an exceptional alternative for teenagers and adults who do not want to be labeled with the “brace face” label. Lingual braces are more expensive than traditional braces are, because of the intricate procedure that the orthodontist has to complete. Getting the braces on the back of the teeth is much more complex than putting them on the front of the teeth. The procedure is more time consuming, as well. Therefore, lingual braces require more money than traditional brace do. The orthodontist’s office will be able to help a client to avail with such braces.
Ceramic Braces: Tooth Colored
Ceramic braces are an attractive option for people who want to be discreet, as well. They are tooth-colored braces that go on the front of the teeth just like traditional brace do. Many people favor ceramic braces because they are undetectable. However, ceramic braces need more care than traditional braces do. They can easily pick up coffee stains and other blemishes. Ceramic brace wearers must clean their devices frequently and go for regular maintenance. Ceramic braces cost a bit more than metal braces cost, as well. The prospective patient should review his or her budget and decide based on that factor. Metal braces may be the smartest choice if money is an object.
Colored Braces: Fashion Friendly
Colored braces are the perfect option for the fashion-conscious teen or parent. The lab makes the brackets with the same materials that it uses for traditional braces. However, manufacturers use various materials for the brackets. Teens can choose from a wide variety of colors or designs. Sometimes, they choose several colors to put in their mouths at one time. That way, they can match their braces no matter what they wear. Colored braces can be loads of fun for the person who wears them. The local orthodontist can help a patient to install just the right braces.
Damon Braces: Self-Tightening
Damon Braces have several advantages to them. One advantage to the Damon Braces system is that it is a self-ligating system. As a self-ligating system, the Damon Braces tighten themselves, which means that the patient does not have to visit the orthodontist so many times for the tightening process. Damon Braces are also a bit smaller than traditional braces are. Therefore, the patient does not feel as weighted
How Is Invisalign Different from Traditional Braces
down as he or she would feel with the traditional system on the teeth. Damon Braces are close to the same price as traditional braces. A person can utilize various insurances to pay for the Damon system.
The Invisalign System: Out of Sight
The Invisalign system is a system that has become quite popular over the past decade. It is a system that consists of a set of clear plastic aligners. The aligners are removable, so the patient can take them off any time he or she feels like taking them off. The main benefit of the Invisalign system is that it is invisible. High school students and professional adults can receive their treatment in a discreet and non-intrusive manner. Invisalign is amazing for one’s dental health, as well. It allows the patient to clean his or her teeth whenever it is necessary. Many people who wear traditional braces have a huge problem with keeping their teeth clean because of the obstruction. Former patients say that Invisalign is much more comfortable in their mouths than braces are, as well. Finally, Invisalign is beneficial because it cuts the recovery time down. Some patients have received healing in as few as nine months. Parents can contact a facility today for Invisalign for teens in Southington.
The Sure Smile System: Precision Smile
The Sure Smile system is a system that focuses on precision. The Sure Smile system is an innovated alignment system that uses an intricate scoring system to carefully and precisely map the patient’s recovery and success. The system uses digital treatment planning to create a precise smile.
Six Month Smiles: The Quick Fix
The Six Month Smile system is for people who do not want to spend years in recovery and has a mild malocclusion

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only. It provides a fast-track correction program and a way for patients to get their smiles corrected within six short months. Many patients have had success with the system. An interested person can conduct a smile assessment to see if he or she fits the profile of someone who will succeed with the treatment. Six Month Smiles are clear braces, so they add the benefit of discretion to the mix.
Try an Alternative Today
Team Demas Orthodontics is the place to go for people in the Southington area. Interested person can call for Invisalign Southington options as well as some of the other alternatives to traditional braces. The number that a patient may use is 860-276-0333. Someone will schedule a consultation during which the specialist will speak to the prospective patient about affordable care. Team Demas is dedicated to creating a gorgeous smile for everyone who asks for assistance.
Team Demas Orthodontics
27 Meriden Ave #2a, Southington, CT 06489, USA
Phone: 860-276-0333