When I had my roof done, I hired a contractor who built many homes, though he wasn’t a specialist in roofing. He went through the steps and completed the project, I paid him, and he went on his way.
Come to find out later, the roof leaked.
I was frustrated. I hired someone for a specific service, trusting that they would be able to deliver, and I was let down. The contractor came back a few times, but he was never able to resolve the leaky roof. Mold began growing inside the house to the extent that we had to replace sheet rock. You’d think a contractor would know how to build a roof, but he just … CONTINUE READING
Dental care ensures that you enjoy the best oral health and like the way your teeth appear. It is one of the reasons to bring back that beautiful smile and have the perfect bite. However, some situations could lead to poor alignment of the teeth, and that means that...
According to the American Association of Orthodontists, there are around 4 million Americans wearing braces today. Clear ceramic braces are among the most commonly worn. You might not be as familiar with them as you are with metal braces. Here's what you need to know...