Tooth brushing Mistake No.3: “Not Brushing Often Enough or Long Enough”
How many of us take teeth brushing so seriously that we count the minutes or seconds every time we go through the routine. I wouldn’t think that too many of us have a stopwatch at hand for that purpose. Maybe we should. The American Dental Association firmly advises the American public to adhere to the 120 second rule every time one of us dabs our toothbrush with toothpaste. It is not simply the seconds we count throughout our daily brush but the number of times a day the stopwatch is set matters too. Twice daily is the expected frequency these days although some over exuberant people might even get around to three times daily.
The secret is to never leave your teeth too long before the brush is used again. This gives time for lurking bacteria to grab the opportunity to stick to any plaque on the sides of your teeth and wreak a trail of devastation before that toothbrush comes into action again. Gum inflammation could also occur if the bacterial invasion gets too serious. It just takes a second of thought, 120 seconds of teeth brushing twice a day and you have done virtually all you can to evade tooth killing bacteria – apart from, of course, removing sweet, sticky food substances from your diet as well.
If you are not certain how often and how long you should spend cleaning your teeth and you require advice then arrange a consultation with Team Demas Orthodontics to discuss your needs. Call us today!
Team Demas Orthodontics
27 Meriden Ave #2a, Southington, CT 06489, USA
Phone: 860-276-0333
Tooth brushing Mistake No.3: “Not Brushing Often Enough or Long Enough”
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