The Team Demas Blog
Everything we’ve been up to lately
What Does an Ideal Bite Look Like?
People are often referred to the orthodontist because of an improper bite. While this is one of the main oral health conditions that orthodontics is designed to fix, you may be surprised to know that an imperfect bite can be used to describe several different types of...
Team Demas Orthodontics – Newsletter May 2018
When I had my roof done, I hired a contractor who built many homes, though he wasn't a specialist in roofing. He went through the steps and completed the project, I paid him, and he went on his way. Come to find out later, the roof leaked. I was frustrated. I...
Seven Tips to Brushing Your Teeth with Braces
When you or your child get braces put on your teeth, your normal routine is altered slightly and you have to relearn how to do things that used to be simple everyday activities for you. Performing tasks such as eating any food you desire, talking without having metal...
What Are the Pros and Cons of a Hawley Retainer?
Getting to the stage where you graduate from wearing braces to finally putting on a retainer is exciting since it signifies progress. As such, here is what you should know about retainers. A retainer is used to hold your teeth in place once braces come off. Since it...
Can You Still Maintain a Healthy Diet While Using Invisalign?
LAST UPDATED: APRIL 24, 2018 There are many reasons why Invisalign has risen rapidly in popularity over the last 15 years. The technology of clear aligner treatment allows you to go about your day without worrying about your appearance: no more metal standing between...
Does Age Matter When Getting Braces?
When thinking about braces, we tend to think of a teenager who has a mouth full of brackets and wires when smiling. But the truth is that people of all ages wear braces which causes some questions to be asked. Is it important for someone to wear braces when they are...
How Do I Fix My Flared Teeth After Braces?
Orthodontic treatment, such as braces, is an effective way to achieve straight teeth and a healthy smile. When an individual’s teeth are overcrowded, it can cause a wide range of problems including difficulty talking and eating. Although many individuals feel that...
Team Demas Orthodontics – Newsletter March 2018
When I was in dental school in Illinois, I chose to be one of the few students to specialize in pediatric dentistry. Afterwards, I practiced for two years before going to orthodontics school. Early in my practice, I noticed two groups of people who were being...
What Happens to Your Lips When You Get Braces to Fix Your Overbite?
If you have an overbite, it can be really frustrating. While a minor overbite might not be much of a concern and can even be attractive if it creates a cute pout, a major overbite can make you extremely self-conscious. You can't correct this kind of a problem with...
Will braces fix my weak chin? If not, what will?
Today's orthodontic specialists use cutting-edge oral health science to tailor each patient's treatment to their individual needs. Some patients may seek treatment to fix an overbite or an underbite. Other patients may want to fix crowded teeth, teeth faced too far...