by | Apr 29, 2014 | Smile Quote

Smile Quote No. 6: Nothing is Impossible! The Word Itself Says I’m Possible
We all experience tough days and tough challenges in life but we push through them. It seems as though some people simply refuse to back down and believe that anything is possible. This is a great outlook to have because you can accomplish far more in life if you are willing to make attempts and keep a positive outlook.
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by | Apr 22, 2014 | Smile Quote

Smile Quote No. 5: Never Ever Give Up
Sometimes days can become very difficult and you will need to overcome a variety of challenges in order to succeed in life. The most important thing to remember when you are faced with these challenges is that you cannot give up. Never giving up means; having the confidence to trudge through the most difficult of challenges and to remain positive throughout your entire day.
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by | Apr 15, 2014 | Smile Quote

Smile Quote No. 4: Life without Passion is Nothing
Sharing our passions and feeling happy as we do the things we love in life is important. In general to experience a good quality of life we need to have passion and we need to share that passion and happiness with other people.
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by | Apr 10, 2014 | Orthodontic Treatments
Can Orthodontic Expanders be used on the Lower Teeth to Avoid Extractions?
Not everyone has enough room in his or her mouth to accommodate all 32 teeth perfectly. In order for teeth to grow in a healthy manner, sufficient space often needs to be created for those people who do suffer from the problem of overcrowding. There are two ways that an orthodontist can use to make space available in your mouth. The first is through tooth extraction and the second through jaw expansion.
Tooth Extraction
Tooth extraction can take place on just about anyone, but the expander device can be used if the mid-palatal suture is not fully mature and can be stretched. This is normally possible for children who have not yet reached 15 years of age. The two parts of the suture may be separated slowly through the minimal activation of expansion screws, which make up part of the expander. When a space appears in between the teeth, at the front, this is an assurance that the expander is doing its job
Lower Arch Expansion
Expansion on the lower arch presents more problems as there is no suture which is near to the teeth which can be expanded. An expander does not have to be used for the lower arch, but “uprighting” is an alternative method that can be utilized for expanding your lower jaws. This technique takes place through the tipping off of the teeth in the direction of the cheeks. The gaps that are formed in the lower arch occur due to the moving of the teeth and not bone movement. The process of tipping off the teeth is not a problem but there must be enough gums and bones positioned around the roots for this procedure to be used.
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by | Apr 8, 2014 | Smile Quote

Smile Quote No. 3: Don’t Forget to be Awesome
Having a positive outlook and smiling and connecting with other people each day can give you a pretty awesome feeling. When you are feeling down or you aren’t feeling too confident in your abilities, it can always be really difficult to show off your smile and to remember how awesome that you are. Whenever you are starting to feel this way and you need some inspiration to smile remember just how awesome that you are and you will find yourself smiling pretty quickly.
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