Braces Demand Attention

Braces Demand Attention

Five Tips in Caring for Your Braces During an Orthodontic Treatment

In order for braces to do their job properly, which is to bring the teeth into healthy alignment, the patient needs to give them and him or herself the proper care. It’s true that braces can be uncomfortable, but they may be the best solution for children who might not have the type of mindfulness that is necessary for an alternative to braces like Invisalign. Here are five tips to care for braces:

1. Avoid foods that are chewy, sticky or both, like Turkish taffy. The foods to eat when wearing braces are soft and easy on the braces as well as the teeth. These include soups, custards and soft cheeses.

The patient should also not attempt foods that hurt to eat, and make sure that he or she eats slowly and with care.

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Make-up Tricks for Whiter Teeth

Make-up Tricks for Whiter Teeth

Team Demas Ortho

Words of Wisdom No. 10: Conceal with Color

It mostly applies to the ladies when they are choosing the color for their lipstick. Ladies are supposed to choose a light red or medium color lipstick. The reason the colors are mostly preferred is because they help in making your teeth to look whiter. The use of lighter colored lipstick makes your teeth to appear yellow. When used correctly, make up can make your teeth to appear whiter every day.

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