The Battle of Braces

The Battle of Braces

Lingual Braces v Invisalign

Team Demas Orthodontics

Pink Sherbet Photography via Compfight cc

Nice straight teeth are often highly desirable, but many people do not like being confined to using braces to achieve them. At an older age, braces don’t just look uncomfortable; they can affect the facial appearance while in place. Luckily, in 1998 an innovative breakthrough emerged for tooth re positioning.  This was the launching of Invisalign.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign are plastic aligners that cannot be seen. The public responded quickly to this new development, as they thought that crooked and misaligned teeth could now be corrected without the need for the attachment of brackets and wires to the teeth for long periods of time. It was soon learnt however that Invisalign does not always make a magical improvement, but can be beneficial in certain circumstances. The plastic is simply not strong enough to exert the same force as clear braces, such as lingual and conventional steel braces. This is particularly true for such actions as turning teeth round and lengthening teeth. In moderate to severe teeth alignment cases then, clear braces can be used or conventional metal braces.

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Anyone can be Superman, At Heart At Least

Anyone can be Superman, At Heart At Least

Smile quote and orthodontist

Smile Quote No. 7: Nothing Shakes the Smiling Heart – Santosh Kalwar

By spending your whole day smiling you can find a difference in the way that you feel. A smile can instantly change the way that we feel and can make our whole body feel good. When we are faced with challenges and they are met with a positive attitude we can have a much greater level of success overcoming them.

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FAQ’s: Child Orthodontics

FAQ’s: Child Orthodontics

What is the Best Age for My Child to See an Orthodontist?

Seven years of age has been considered for a long time the most appropriate age for your child to attend an orthodontist for the first time. Dr. Don Demas, of  Team Demas Orthodontics, fully supports this age too, as it is the best age for a child’s teeth to be assessed for either immediate treatment or possible treatment at a later age.

Once a child has reached the age of 8, it is most likely that he or she will have lost their first eight teeth. These are incisors and are normally immediately replaced by eight permanent teeth. At 6 years of age, the emergence of your child’s first four molars, those that will become permanent, takes place. Therefore, by 7 years of age, most children will have no less than four permanent incisors and four permanent molars. If the number of teeth is less or more than that, problems of crowding, extra or missing teeth might eventuate.

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Amend the Dictionary of Life

Amend the Dictionary of Life

Orthodontics and smile quote

Smile Quote No. 6: Nothing is Impossible! The Word Itself Says I’m Possible

We all experience tough days and tough challenges in life but we push through them. It seems as though some people simply refuse to back down and believe that anything is possible. This is a great outlook to have because you can accomplish far more in life if you are willing to make attempts and keep a positive outlook.

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Run, Walk, Jump, Fall, but Never Give Up

Run, Walk, Jump, Fall, but Never Give Up


Smile Quote No. 5: Never Ever Give Up

Sometimes days can become very difficult and you will need to overcome a variety of challenges in order to succeed in life. The most important thing to remember when you are faced with these challenges is that you cannot give up. Never giving up means; having the confidence to trudge through the most difficult of challenges and to remain positive throughout your entire day.

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