Are Braces Painful?

Are Braces Painful?

Orthodontic braces have come a long way over the years. They are smaller, faster and, in some ways, less painful than they were decades ago. The one thing that hasn’t changed, of course, is that they move your teeth. It is not

Are Braces Painful?

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possible at this time to accomplish this purpose in a completely pain-free way, but there is also no need to believe any horror story you have heard about excruciating, constant pain.

Painless Attachment

There was a time when the process of having braces put on involved forcing a metal band around each tooth, rather like putting rings on your fingers. These bands held the brackets that the wires were threaded through. This process was painful, as you can imagine, because space for two thicknesses of metal had to be created between every tooth and its neighbor before the actual straightening even began.

Fortunately, the attachment phase for braces has been refined substantially over the years. Today, each small bracket is cemented independently to the surface of the tooth. This process is relatively quick and painless. The only discomfort you should experience is the same you would expect from a routine cleaning: having your lips stretched and having your mouth prodded with instruments.

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How to Overcome Your Fear of Having Braces

How to Overcome Your Fear of Having Braces

Getting braces put on your teeth is one of the most routine orthodontic procedures in modern oral medicine.Yet it’s probably also one of the most understood. As a mother looking for safe, reliable, and efficient orthodontic treatment

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in Southington for you and / or your loved ones, it goes without saying that the first thing you need to do in order for things to go smoothly is to lay any fear you might have about braces and the procedures firmly to rest. How? That’s easy to do – in fact, all that’s required is that you keep reading. Sound good? Great! Let’s get started.

Some Basic Facts About Braces

Whether it’s related to medicine or anything else, fear is rooted in misunderstanding. For instance, did you know that there isn’t just one type of orthodontic brace? That’s right! There are many types of braces, from standard metal ones, to ceramic products, and even high-tech models like the Invisalign braces you can sometimes see advertised on TV.

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What to Expect When Seeing an Orthodontist

What to Expect When Seeing an Orthodontist

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If you’ve never visited an orthodontist before, you may be wondering what you can expect when you see one. Dr. Demas is an experienced orthodontist who uses a caring approach when working with patients. His technical expertise ensures you’ll be worked on by a proficient orthodontist while his commitment to excellence promises you’ll love the results.

What Does an Orthodontist Do?

Orthodontists are dental experts who have developed specialized skill sets to help patients get healthier, straighter teeth while improving their smile. Orthodontists also know how to handle serious and complex mouth, jaw and tooth problems, such as issues with eating or chewing, tooth decay, gum disease, speech impediments and pain.

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What Is a Palatal Expander and Why Is It Needed?

What Is a Palatal Expander and Why Is It Needed?

What is a palatal expander?

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A palatal expander is an appliance that is used to widen the upper jaw. Other names for it include rapid maxillary expansion appliance, palate expander, orthodontic expander, Haas, or Hyrax.

This device is custom made for each patient from molds taken of their mouth. It fits on the upper teeth towards the back of the mouth. It is made of two halves that are secured together by a screw in the middle. The screw is turned with a special key, usually once or twice per day for a set period of time. This turning is done by the patient or caregiver, and usually, causes only minor discomfort for a brief period.

As the appliance expands, via each turn, the pressure is placed on the bones on the top of the mouth, the palate. The palate is made up of two bones that do not fully fuse together until the teenage years. Thus, the palatal expander helps the bones to move apart while forming new bone growth, which will help the upper jaw increase in size.

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What Are Lingual Braces?

What Are Lingual Braces?

Searching For a Stunning Smile?

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Braces are a fact of life for over 4 million Americans, and for many teens, it’s a rite of passage. That said, however, there’s never a time that’s “too late” to consider an orthodontic consultation to improve the condition of your smile, or correct a jaw or bite problem. In fact, increasing numbers of orthodontic patients are adults looking to improve poor braces correction from the past or seeking to finally get that amazing, confident smile they’ve always wanted. It’s really never too late and there have been significant advances in the speed of correction and the cosmetic appearance of corrective braces that go a long way to improve patient comfort and success. Of these newer options, lingual braces are some of the most advanced and aesthetically appealing.

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What Are the Signs That Braces May Be Needed?

What Are the Signs That Braces May Be Needed?

If you are looking for braces for adults in Southington, you have come to the right place. Whether you have finally

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decided it is time for some professional help to improve your look or you have a condition that requires braces, Team Demas Orthodontics is more than capable of providing solutions to your orthodontic problems.

From children to adults who need cosmetic attention, orthodontic health care, and advice, we are here to help your smile become even brighter.

There are a variety of reasons for people to need braces as grown-ups and we have the best options available for you.

If you are a mom who is looking for orthodontics in Southington with orthodontists that you can trust, we have information and advice for you while you are making your decision on braces for your child. We can help you determine when the right moment is for your child to get braces or whether it is better to wait till they are older.

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