14 Ways your Child Can Alleviate Discomfort with Braces

14 Ways your Child Can Alleviate Discomfort with Braces

Congratulations on your child getting their braces! However, exciting as this may be, it still holds a list of drawbacks, such as an inability to eat certain foods and mouth pain from the brackets and wires that were just installed. However, in the guide below, we will outline the top 14 ways you can alleviate your kid’s discomfort with their mouth gear and get them smiling again!  

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Braces and Root Resorption

Braces and Root Resorption

braces and roots

Braces work by forming little cramps that surround each tooth, which is sometimes called “Charlie’s Horses”. The enzymes that go into action together with orthodontic forces cause the old bone to disintegrate where the pressure is present and new bone to be formed where there is a void. These changes are quite normal and provide the basis for tooth movement through orthodontic procedures.  There is no doubt found that the movement of teeth results at least in minor alterations to the length and shape of the teeth’s roots in all patient undergoing braces treatment. Most of these changes, however, cannot be detected with the naked eye.

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Will Having Teeth Removed Ruin My Face? Orthodontic Treatment

Will Having Teeth Removed Ruin My Face? Orthodontic Treatment

Team Demas Orthodontics

Contrary to Popular Belief: It is Perfectly Safe

When people are told that they are going to need to have multiple teeth removed, one of the most common concerns is how this will affect the appearance of their face. It is possible that the look of your face could change slightly after having an orthodontic treatment performed to remove permanent teeth. However, the reality is that in the vast majority of cases, no changes will occur that can be perceived by the naked eye.


What will the orthodontist recommend?

When an orthodontist makes the recommendation to remove teeth, he or she does not do so lightly. The need to remove teeth is usually caused by a lack of room. An orthodontist will examine x-rays, pictures and models to determine if extraction is indeed necessary. Saving the teeth is always the preferable option, but this is not always possible.

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Tooth-Friendly Recipe 10: Green Vanilla Mint Smoothie

Tooth-Friendly Recipe 10: Green Vanilla Mint Smoothie

green vanilla mint smoothie

Choose Soft and Friendly Foods While Wearing Braces or Aligners

You need to consume a lot of minerals and vitamins to strengthen your teeth during orthodontic treatment. However, you might find it difficult to chew food right after beginning to wear aligners or braces because the tissues in your mouth can feel sensitive. It is still easy to consume vital nutrients by making a green vanilla mint smoothie and using a blender to whip the ingredients. The recipe for this beverage includes the following:

• Coconut milk
• Fresh mint leaves
• Vanilla extract
• Fresh spinach
• Frozen banana

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The Stages Leading to Braces Removal

The Stages Leading to Braces Removal

When Do I Get My Braces Off?

Most recipients of braces use them to improve their facial appearance through the straightening of teeth and improve their teeth’s ability to bite correctly.  Even though the brace user chooses this dental procedure, he or she still naturally prefers a mouth without braces! Knowing when they are likely to be removed is really important as it is a relief being able to display a better set of teeth after the completion of the procedure. Dr. Demas and his team at Demas Orthodontics find the number one question they are asked is “When do I get my braces off?”

No one person goes through exactly the same treatment program, so the time frame required for braces to complete a good job does naturally vary. The procedure follows certain standardized steps, some of which take longer than others.

At Demas Orthodontics, successful braces treatment undergoes three treatment stages. Each of these stages has to be completed satisfactorily before the preceding stage commences. The first step is analyzing and correcting the crowding of teeth; the second is aligning the teeth, while the third involves bite correction.

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