The Stages Leading to Braces Removal

The Stages Leading to Braces Removal

When Do I Get My Braces Off?

Most recipients of braces use them to improve their facial appearance through the straightening of teeth and improve their teeth’s ability to bite correctly.  Even though the brace user chooses this dental procedure, he or she still naturally prefers a mouth without braces! Knowing when they are likely to be removed is really important as it is a relief being able to display a better set of teeth after the completion of the procedure. Dr. Demas and his team at Demas Orthodontics find the number one question they are asked is “When do I get my braces off?”

No one person goes through exactly the same treatment program, so the time frame required for braces to complete a good job does naturally vary. The procedure follows certain standardized steps, some of which take longer than others.

At Demas Orthodontics, successful braces treatment undergoes three treatment stages. Each of these stages has to be completed satisfactorily before the preceding stage commences. The first step is analyzing and correcting the crowding of teeth; the second is aligning the teeth, while the third involves bite correction.

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Braces Demand Attention

Braces Demand Attention

Five Tips in Caring for Your Braces During an Orthodontic Treatment

In order for braces to do their job properly, which is to bring the teeth into healthy alignment, the patient needs to give them and him or herself the proper care. It’s true that braces can be uncomfortable, but they may be the best solution for children who might not have the type of mindfulness that is necessary for an alternative to braces like Invisalign. Here are five tips to care for braces:

1. Avoid foods that are chewy, sticky or both, like Turkish taffy. The foods to eat when wearing braces are soft and easy on the braces as well as the teeth. These include soups, custards and soft cheeses.

The patient should also not attempt foods that hurt to eat, and make sure that he or she eats slowly and with care.

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Apple Cider Vinegar & Oral Hygiene

Apple Cider Vinegar & Oral Hygiene

Team Demas

Word of Wisdom No. 5: Gargle with Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar helps in removing stains and also whitening the teeth, in addition to whitening the teeth it also helps in killing bacteria and also in making the gums stronger. This is ideal and should be done after eating or after brushing. Killing of the bacteria creates a fresh smell in the mouth and also reduces cases of mouth infection.

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Oral Cleansing Foods

Oral Cleansing Foods

Team Demas Orthodontist

Word of Wisdom No. 4: Eat ‘Detergent’ Foods

This are food stuffs that helps in cleaning the teeth instead of brushing, an example is an apple which is in most cases referred to as the natures tooth brush, other foodstuffs that may also be used for cleaning purposes includes, raw carrots and popcorns just but to mention a few. If one is unable to brush the teeth after a meal, one should consider having these food detergents after any meal. In addition to these natural food detergents, there also exists other saliva generating stuffs.

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TMD and Teenagers

TMD and Teenagers

Why Teenage Patients Have More TMJ Problems in the Spring?

As spring approaches it is common for orthodontists such as Dr. Demas to receive a larger than usual number of phone calls from current and former patients reporting unexplained jaw pain. Parents often report that their teenage children have painful jaws and are unable to eat, sleep or study properly. This pain is often diagnosed as TMD, short for temporo-mandibular jaw pain.

Stress is the often the cause of TMD


The final week or two of April and the beginning of May are the periods when students are under the most stress. Intermittent sleep and eating habits can cause jaw pain. This is normally in the muscles beyond the lower molars. These are the chewing muscles, and pain in this region suggests that the grinding and clenching of teeth are causing the soreness – not actual medical problems with the muscles or the teeth.

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