Before You Put on a Frown, Make Absolutely Sure There Are No Smiles Available – Jim Beggs

Before You Put on a Frown, Make Absolutely Sure There Are No Smiles Available – Jim Beggs


Frown do not need to be your go-to expression because there are so many smiles to go around. It might not be common knowledge, but a smile can make someone feel good. A smile can be quite powerful, and all one has to do is unleash it, which is one reason why orthodontists do what they do.

A healthy smile is an available smile, but some people feel they need to hide their smile.

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Best Orthodontic Blogs of 2015

Best Orthodontic Blogs of 2015

2015 was a fantastic year. Read some of most popular blogs from last year, and make sure you keep your eyes peeled for some great blogs post and videos in 2016.

best orthodontic blogs 2015

The Stages Leading to Braces Removal

Most recipients of braces use them to improve their facial appearance through the straightening of teeth and improve their teeth’s ability to bite correctly.  Even though the brace user chooses this dental procedure, he or she still naturally prefers a mouth without braces! Knowing when they are likely to be removed is really important as it is a relief being able to display a better set of teeth after the completion of the procedure. Dr. Demas and his team at Demas Orthodontics find the number one question they are asked is “When do I get my braces off?”

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