Change the World

Change the World


“Use your smile to change this world, but don’t let the world change your smile.”

Some say that the smile is universal in greeting others. When you don’t want to look in a mirror or smile at others because of the way your teeth look, it might be time to see an orthodontist who can use braces to straighten your teeth.

One of the benefits of wearing braces, aside from getting a beautiful smile, is that they aren’t permanent. Most people only have to wear them for two to three years. Braces are ideal for people who have misaligned jaws, causing either the top teeth to rest over the bottom ones or the bottom teeth to sit over the top teeth. These bites can affect the way you talk and eat. They can also put pressure on the jaws, which can lead to headaches and tension in the neck. Braces can help straighten the teeth to create a natural appearance in the mouth so that you can give the warm smile that you want to share. When the teeth are straight, the self-esteem can be greatly improved.

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Good Things Happen When You Smile

Good Things Happen When You Smile


EatHealthier with Straight Teeth

“Good things happen when you smile” is something most of us heard from our wise grandmothers who knew how to think positive. There are many popular smile quotes, but it is more important to have straight teeth for health purposes than worry about how you look. Getting a perfect smile is easy today with modern braces designed with three-dimensional imaging techniques. Most people do not need to wear braces for several years to correct misalignments due to these new techniques that move teeth faster into their correct positions. Anyone living in Connecticut can schedule an appointment with Southington orthodontists for a complete examination.

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If you don’t start the day with a smile, it’s not too late to start practicing for tomorrow

If you don’t start the day with a smile, it’s not too late to start practicing for tomorrow


The way your smile looks ultimately says a great deal about you and who you are. A smile isn’t only visually appealing, but it also allows the individual to have a true sense of confidence. That’s why it is crucial that you bring your child to an orthodontist to see if he or she needs braces.

Today, when you are told you need braces, there are various types to choose from. They are:

  • Metal
  • Ceramic
  • Lingual
  • Invisalign

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How Can Invisalign Straighten an Adult’s Teeth?

How Can Invisalign Straighten an Adult’s Teeth?

GIF courtesy of giphy.com

GIF courtesy of giphy.com

Straight teeth are important for both dental health and cosmetic purposes. Crooked teeth affect the way a person smiles, chew, and talks. Crooked teeth can be harder to clean and be more prone to decay. They may also wear abnormally. Very crooked teeth can cause jaw pain and headaches.

Beautiful Smile

A beautiful smile may also play an important role in social and career success. Several studies have shown that in the U.S., people with straight teeth are automatically perceived as being more successful, trustworthy, smart, healthy, and attractive than people with crooked teeth.

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Peace begins with a smile – Mother Teresa


What many people don’t realize is that a smile says everything. Remember, your smile has the power to lighten up a person’s day. However, many people are ashamed of their teeth. They would rather hide their smile than show their imperfect teeth. Thankfully, though, there is a solution to this. When you get braces put on your teeth by a certified and experienced orthodontist, you can get the smile you always dreamed of.

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Why Do Teenagers Go for Invisalign?

Why Do Teenagers Go for Invisalign?

teen smile

GIF courtesy of Giphy.com

Invisalign is one of the newest additions to the world of dental technology. The idea behind these braces is to help align teeth properly without the need for traditional metal braces. Most teenagers are considering using Invisalign because it’s painless and also involves almost zero visibility. Traditional braces are huge and obvious when smiling, but Invisalign is the newest way to straighten teeth without the annoying metal braces. In this article, you will discover why your teen may want this instead of the traditional braces.

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