by | Mar 25, 2014 | Smile Quote

Smile Quote No. 1: A Smile is a Powerful Weapon; you can Break Ice with it!
Smiles can be very important to breaking the ice and connecting with other people. Not many people understand just how significant a smile can be when it is shared with another person. A smile makes us approachable, sociable and ready to take on any challenge. A smile is something that can break language barriers as well and something as simple as a smile with another person you may not understand can show your approval for them.
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by | Mar 20, 2014 | Orthodontic Treatments
Do Orthodontic Braces Cause White Spots on Teeth?
White spots that appear on the surface of your teeth are signs that these areas are going through a process of losing their mineral content. They are usually small pockets just under the surface which are caused by the presence of dental plaque. Cavities are caused in this way, too.
How are white spots formed?
What appears as white, chalky marks on the surface of the tooth occur when acids formed from the plaque dissolve minerals. This process alters the manner in which the surface reflects light. White spots are often located in areas which are difficult to brush which include between the gums and the brackets. White spots can often develop beneath gum tissue that has become swollen making detection more difficult. It is only when the braces have been removed and the swelling has subsided that detection is possible.
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by | Mar 18, 2014 | Tootbrushing Mistake

Tooth brushing Mistake No.10: “Not Changing the Toothbrush Often Enough”
You might have a favorite toothbrush that you have used for years and just love the color and the feel of it, but this might not be the right thing to do. Old toothbrushes do not do your teeth any favors at all. The bristles become worn down and distorted and even fall out – leaving you with a matted mass of thriving bacteria that are just waiting to chew into your teeth.
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by | Mar 13, 2014 | Orthodontic Treatments
Five Tips for Caring for Your Braces during Orthodontic Treatment
Braces do offer new challenges when they are putting your teeth on to the road of an attractive smile. Oral hygiene is one of those challenges that need attention for the duration of the pursuit of your dream smile. At the best of times, preventing tooth decay can be difficult for many – particularly brushing and flossing those teeth tirelessly twice a day, every day of the year. If you are good at that any way, then it will not be so hard to adjust to the need to care for your braces
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by | Mar 11, 2014 | Tootbrushing Mistake

Tooth brushing Mistake No.9: “Not Letting the Toothbrush Dry”
It might be a surprise to you but the care of your toothbrush is extremely important. In fact, it is almost as important as the teeth cleaning process itself. Once you have finished your morning brushing and flossing session, you will most likely throw the used floss out with the trash but certainly not the toothbrush. Many people may leave it dripping wet on the side of the hand basin ready for its evening clean. That is what you certainly should not do.
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by | Mar 6, 2014 | Orthodontic Treatments
Why Should You Keep Braces On?
Fixed braces are the commonest kind of orthodontic appliances used and they are fitted in place with a purpose in mind and that is to straighten the teeth. They are designed to remain in place until the job they have been set out to do has been accomplished.
The braces works in such a way that the wires that are attached to the teeth exert a small amount of force on the teeth through the use of brackets so that they will move into a position that ensures the teeth are straighter. The brackets are glued to the teeth using orthodontic glue and then the wires are affixed with elastic rings to the brackets.
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by | Mar 4, 2014 | Tootbrushing Mistake

Tooth brushing Mistake No.8: “Not Following up with a Rinse”
You may think that once you have piled your toothbrush with peppermint smelling, fluoridated toothpaste that your toothbrush is now so well disinfected that bacteria couldn’t hope to escape wherever they happen to be hiding. This is far from the truth. Bacteria are a lot more resilient than that. The worst thing you can do with a toothbrush is to hang it out to dry without giving it a rinse in warm water first. Most of that fluoridated toothpaste was transferred to your mouth via your toothbrush. When you spit it all out, there is little remaining on your toothbrush to deter the bacteria.
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by | Feb 27, 2014 | Orthodontic Treatments
When is the right time for an orthodontic check-up?
People often wonder when they should first go for an orthodontic check-up. The American Association of Orthodontists has a simple answer to this question as they recommend that a child should pay his or her first visit to an orthodontist at 7 years of age.
This magic age of 7 has been earmarked as it is when the child is starting to gain a combination of both baby and permanent teeth. An early visit to the orthodontist will reveal any problems that are currently affecting the teeth. Once the baby teeth have all been lost and there is an underlying problem emerging, the permanent teeth may be at risk of damage later on. At a first consultation, the jaw and its relationship to the jawbone are closely scrutinized too.
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by | Feb 25, 2014 | Tootbrushing Mistake

Tooth brushing Mistake No.7: “Skipping Inner Tooth Surfaces”
Tooth brushing is a holistic task and is designed to ensure that teeth are thoroughly cleaned within the recommended two minutes that it takes to undertake the job well. Skipping over the front surface of your teeth, both front and rear, is not what is called a good teeth cleaning job. Places where you don’t clean, plaque and bacteria will thrive and the end result will be cavity formation and tooth decay. In the long run, this will lead to tooth loss and expensive tooth restorative treatment – and all because in your routine teeth brushing event you did not bother to clean the inner surfaces of your teeth.
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by | Feb 20, 2014 | Orthodontic Treatments
What is an Orthodontist?
An orthodontist is a dentist who has completed three years of extra study to gain an orthodontic qualification. Most reputable orthodontists are a member of the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO).
An orthodontist’s specialization is in the treatment of misaligned teeth and jaws. If these misalignments are not corrected, people can experience such handicaps as speech defects, chewing problems and difficulties in the maintenance of oral hygiene.
An orthodontist can treat “under bite,” which is what results when the bottom teeth are further forward than the top teeth and “overbite,” which is when the top teeth are further forward than the bottom teeth. Poor chewing can result from these imperfections.
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