Best Orthodontic Blogs of 2015

Best Orthodontic Blogs of 2015

2015 was a fantastic year. Read some of most popular blogs from last year, and make sure you keep your eyes peeled for some great blogs post and videos in 2016.

best orthodontic blogs 2015

The Stages Leading to Braces Removal

Most recipients of braces use them to improve their facial appearance through the straightening of teeth and improve their teeth’s ability to bite correctly.  Even though the brace user chooses this dental procedure, he or she still naturally prefers a mouth without braces! Knowing when they are likely to be removed is really important as it is a relief being able to display a better set of teeth after the completion of the procedure. Dr. Demas and his team at Demas Orthodontics find the number one question they are asked is “When do I get my braces off?”

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Teeth-friendly Fruits & Vegetables No. 7: Watermelon

Teeth-friendly Fruits & Vegetables No. 7: Watermelon



Teeth-friendly Fruits & Vegetables No. 7: Watermelon

Dr. Don Demas is an orthodontist in Southington who provide needed services to children, teenagers and adults. They offer metal, ceramic and invisible braces at affordable prices. They also assist sufferers of sleep apnea and specialize in treatments and surgical procedures to realign a person’s teeth, jaw and facial structure. Southington Orthodontics also gives important advice on how to promote healthy teeth and gums like eating teeth-friendly fruits and vegetables.

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Teeth-Friendly Fruits & Vegetables No. 3: Kiwifruit

Teeth-Friendly Fruits & Vegetables No. 3: Kiwifruit



Routinely brushes as well as flossing are crucial for maintaining overall dental health. What may not be as largely stressed, however, is the importance of a healthy diet. Healthy foods contain many nutrients that are designed to combat various diseases, infections, and common tooth ailments such as decay and plaque. Fruits and vegetables arm the body with antioxidants that in turn work to protect our teeth and gums. Fluoride and other measures are also important for strengthening our teeth, but the most powerful effects can be found when we make the right food choices for ourselves.

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What Are Lingual Braces?

What Are Lingual Braces?

Searching For a Stunning Smile?

gif courtesy of giphy.com

gif courtesy of giphy.com

Braces are a fact of life for over 4 million Americans, and for many teens, it’s a rite of passage. That said, however, there’s never a time that’s “too late” to consider an orthodontic consultation to improve the condition of your smile, or correct a jaw or bite problem. In fact, increasing numbers of orthodontic patients are adults looking to improve poor braces correction from the past or seeking to finally get that amazing, confident smile they’ve always wanted. It’s really never too late and there have been significant advances in the speed of correction and the cosmetic appearance of corrective braces that go a long way to improve patient comfort and success. Of these newer options, lingual braces are some of the most advanced and aesthetically appealing.

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Life Is Too Short Not To Smile

Life Is Too Short Not To Smile



“Life is Too Short not to smile. Smile as much as you can.” – Steve Imig

A smile not only makes you stand out amongst others, but a smile can also help your body function better. You may not know this, but a healthy smile could make you look younger, and it is considered one of the most fun ways to help you live longer. With facts like these, you should smile as much as you can.

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