14 Ways your Child Can Alleviate Discomfort with Braces

14 Ways your Child Can Alleviate Discomfort with Braces

Congratulations on your child getting their braces! However, exciting as this may be, it still holds a list of drawbacks, such as an inability to eat certain foods and mouth pain from the brackets and wires that were just installed. However, in the guide below, we will outline the top 14 ways you can alleviate your kid’s discomfort with their mouth gear and get them smiling again!  

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Braces and Root Resorption

Braces and Root Resorption

braces and roots

Braces work by forming little cramps that surround each tooth, which is sometimes called “Charlie’s Horses”. The enzymes that go into action together with orthodontic forces cause the old bone to disintegrate where the pressure is present and new bone to be formed where there is a void. These changes are quite normal and provide the basis for tooth movement through orthodontic procedures.  There is no doubt found that the movement of teeth results at least in minor alterations to the length and shape of the teeth’s roots in all patient undergoing braces treatment. Most of these changes, however, cannot be detected with the naked eye.

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Can I Wear Braces if I’m Pregnant?

Can I Wear Braces if I’m Pregnant?

The dentist is the first person we remember when we need help for our teeth however there are kinds of help that they’re unable to provide. While your teeth are clean and strong, they may not be in the proper alignment. Whether you have an issue with your bite, spacing, or your teeth are simply not straight, there is nothing that you can do on your own to fix this situation. You need to seek the professional help of an orthodontist to correct the alignment of your teeth. You are open to the idea of getting braces and want to know about your options, but you have one concern. You want to know if being pregnant with braces will pose any kind of problem to your baby on the way.

Pregnant with Braces is Not an Issue

Don’t let getting braces while pregnant worry you. As long as your orthodontist believes that you are a good candidate for orthodontic treatment, you can be pregnant and wear braces. Braces involve treatment of your teeth with the use of wires and brackets or plastic aligners to get the desired results. There is no reason to be worried about your baby while you are trying to achieve a beautiful smile, although you need to be on guard for certain concerns.

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Before You Put on a Frown, Make Absolutely Sure There Are No Smiles Available – Jim Beggs

Before You Put on a Frown, Make Absolutely Sure There Are No Smiles Available – Jim Beggs


Frown do not need to be your go-to expression because there are so many smiles to go around. It might not be common knowledge, but a smile can make someone feel good. A smile can be quite powerful, and all one has to do is unleash it, which is one reason why orthodontists do what they do.

A healthy smile is an available smile, but some people feel they need to hide their smile.

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Three Reasons Your Orthodontic Braces Are Still On

Three Reasons Your Orthodontic Braces Are Still On


Braces aren’t just for teenagers anymore since millions of teens and adults have braces on their teeth every single day. Braces and orthodontic work can help align your teeth and make your smile more appealing. The specific amount of time a person needs to wear braces is obviously going to differ from one individual to the next. Some people are able to wear braces for only six months while others are in them for two or even three years. Knowing why you’re wearing braces and why they may still be on will help you put the effort and energy into your orthodontic treatment to get the most out of it.


What are the Benefits of Braces?

Whether you’ve been fitted for traditional metal braces or are wearing Invisalign, having braces is a wonderful option for people who want to improve the look of their smile. Your smile is normally going to be the first thing a person notices about you, so it’s pretty obvious that you’ll want to put a bit of time and attention into your teeth if you feel they could use it.

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