by | Jul 22, 2014 | Words of Wisdom

Words Of Wisdom No. 8: Practice Flossing with Your Eyes Shut
Flossing is important as it helps to remove food particles that may be trapped in between the teeth. You can purchase a packet of floss, which you can use to clean between your teeth, from any drug store. You can keep it in your bag or office desk drawer. This comes in handy for people who do not have time to brush after every meal. It can also be used with other mouth washing detergents such as a mouth wash spray, to maintain a fresh breath even after a meal.
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by | Jul 17, 2014 | Orthodontic Treatments
Is All Orthodontic Treatment The Same?
Of course, not all orthodontic treatment options are the same for the simple reason that not all patients are the same. Indeed, the same patient might have different types of orthodontic treatments at different times in his or her life.
Orthodontics is the science of straightening a patient’s teeth and aligning his or her jaws properly. This not only improves a person’s smile but helps them to eat and speak correctly. Humans have been looking for ways to straighten their teeth since the days of ancient Egypt.
When most people think of orthodontics, they think of braces. Braces are worn by children and grown-ups and are a popular type of orthodontics for teens. There are several types of braces depending on both the needs and the desires of the patient. They are:
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by | Jul 15, 2014 | Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom No. 7: Stay Fresh
The main aim of brushing is to stay fresh and healthy. Staying fresh also eliminates the build up of food particles that give room for the accumulation of bacteria.
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by | Jul 10, 2014 | Orthodontic Treatments
Three Reasons Your Orthodontic Braces Are Still On
The eagerness and expectation of waiting to finally get your orthodontic braces off can almost be overwhelming. It’s likely the most frequent question that orthodontic patients have – ‘When are my braces coming off?’ There are several different reasons why an orthodontist specialist may choose to keep braces on a particular patient for a bit longer. Also, it’s critical that the patient listens and keeps their orthodontic appliance on as prescribed by their specialist for the proper amount of time in order to ensure success.
Generally, most orthodontists who prescribe different types of braces offer a timeframe surrounding the length of time the appliance needs to be worn and approximately when it will come off. So, if the original removal date has come and gone, you are probably wondering why you’re still wearing braces. Here are a few reasons why they may still be on.
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by | Jul 8, 2014 | Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom No. 6: Brush your teeth with baking soda once a week
Brushing with soda ash helps in removing of stains thus helping in whitening of the teeth, salt can also be used in place of soda ash. Soda ash is a composition of various elements, its chemical name is sodium bicarbonate or sodium hydrogen carbonate, salt is made from this reason hence making it also ideal for this teeth whitening procedure. It is a highly recommended stain remover by various orthodontists, however great precautions should be taken when using it during the cleaning exercise.
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by | Jul 3, 2014 | Orthodontic Treatments
Why do I need teeth removed for my braces?
When a child or adult visits an orthodontist, the specialist may recommend that a certain tooth or teeth need to be removed. To a child, this may be very concerning. After all, children do not understand how quickly a tooth can be removed or why they do not need to fear such a removal. Adults may be puzzled as to why a tooth that has been in their mouth for many years suddenly needs to be pulled. These thoughts and questions are certainly legitimate. Here are some things to consider when a tooth needs to be removed for braces.
To begin, it is important to keep in mind that an orthodontist does not make such a recommendation concerning tooth removal in a careless manner. There is a reason and purpose that a tooth needs to be pulled. In the past, tooth removal was very common for children. That is changing. Today, specialists like an orthodontist see teeth removal as a last resort. Tooth removal can affect a face over time. With this in mind, a professional takes a close look at each case to be sure that removing a tooth is the right thing to do. If there is another way to get around tooth removal, the orthodontist will find it.
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by | Jul 1, 2014 | Words of Wisdom

Word of Wisdom No. 5: Gargle with Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar helps in removing stains and also whitening the teeth, in addition to whitening the teeth it also helps in killing bacteria and also in making the gums stronger. This is ideal and should be done after eating or after brushing. Killing of the bacteria creates a fresh smell in the mouth and also reduces cases of mouth infection.
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by | Jun 26, 2014 | Orthodontic Treatments
Do Dental X-rays Really Cause Brain Tumors?
The topic of dental health should be at the forefront of any mother’s mind.
Both your own dental health and the health of your children should be taken into account
. Not only will they dictate social factors like self-image and the image that others perceive, but positive dental health will help to ward off diseases like gingivitis and receding gums, which have been linked to long-term health effects like heart diseases and diabetes.
While the issue of health should be at the forefront of your concerns, what about dental x-rays? Do they hurt more than they help? Do they cause brain tumors that will hurt both you and your children?
Let’s explore these questions in detail.
What is a Dental X-Ray?
Dental x-rays use a small amount of radiation projected through your body to bombard film. This radiation comes together in such a way to help your orthodontist to discover the status of your mouth.
These x-rays can come in a variety of forms, but the most common ones that you and your children will encounter are the common bite-wing x-rays that show the quadrants of your mouth and how well your teeth line up.
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by | Jun 24, 2014 | Words of Wisdom

Word of Wisdom No. 4: Eat ‘Detergent’ Foods
This are food stuffs that helps in cleaning the teeth instead of brushing, an example is an apple which is in most cases referred to as the natures tooth brush, other foodstuffs that may also be used for cleaning purposes includes, raw carrots and popcorns just but to mention a few. If one is unable to brush the teeth after a meal, one should consider having these food detergents after any meal. In addition to these natural food detergents, there also exists other saliva generating stuffs.
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by | Jun 17, 2014 | Words of Wisdom

Word of Wisdom No. 3: Clean your tongue
Many people tend to think that the brushing process involves the teeth and in most cases ignore brushing the tongue. A tongue scrapper is more effective than a tooth brush in this tongue cleaning process. The two major cleaning methods that can be used includes, using a scrapper, spoon and lastly using a tooth brush. However children in most cases find it yucky and difficult to brush the tongue, in such a case it is best to introduce the child to tongue brushing using a spoon. Many children prefer tongue scrapping to tongue brushing.
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