by | Aug 28, 2014 | Orthodontic Treatments
Five Signs that a Child, Teen, or Adult Needs Braces
Many people have considered whether they need braces at one time or another. Nearly everyone has some kind of physical imperfection with their teeth. People with at least some slightly askew teeth are the norm, they are not the exception. Not everyone who has a few off kilter teeth needs to be fitted for braces. If you have ever wondered do I need braces, follow this guide to five signs that a child, teen or adult needs braces.
1. Strong Child Signs
There are some strong signs that a child needs braces. One of the strongest signs that a child needs braces is missing or irregular baby teeth. Also, if they have crooked or misplaced teeth, you should be sure to take your children in to see the orthodontist. Also, children who do excessive thumb sucking are also more likely to need to be fitted for braces at some point.
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by | Aug 26, 2014 | Smile Quote

Smile Quote No. 3: Is a Smile a Question or is it the Answer?
Your smile says so much about you. Whether you’re beaming for a family photo or sharing a silent joke with a close friend, the way you smile says it all. Unfortunately, unsolved dental problems can get in the way of letting your best smile shine through. Do you shy away from baring your teeth in photos? Perhaps you even cover your mouth when you laugh. If you are insecure about the appearance of your smile, your insecurities may be holding you back from enjoying life fully.
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by | Aug 19, 2014 | Smile Quote

Smile Quote No. 2: You Want To Spoil the Day of a Grouch, Give Him a Smile
There is no better answer to a grouch than flashing them your best smile. In this and many other situations, a brilliant smile is one of the best weapons you can have. That makes it important that you have a beautiful smile, and it makes it even more important that you make sure that your kids have one. Looking for different and affordable types of braces is one of the best moves you can make to ensure a great smile.
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by | Aug 14, 2014 | Orthodontic Treatments
Does the Six Month Smiles Orthodontic Treatment Actually Work?
If you are a child, teenager, or an adult and have crooked teeth, teeth with gaps between them, an over bite, or an under bite, it is only natural that you’ve asked yourself, “Do I need braces?” There’s no need to wonder any longer. An orthodontist can tell you within the span of a single visit if you can benefit from braces. Not only that, an orthodontist can explain the different types of braces. Your anxiety and fear of braces may stem from fear of being a “metal mouth.” Times have changed, and people who need braces have more options than ever before. Six Month Smiles orthodontic treatment is one of the most popular and effective alternatives to traditional metal braces.
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by | Aug 12, 2014 | Smile Quote

Smile Quote No. 1: If You Smile at Someone, They May Smile Back.
During your children’s teenage years, they undergo a number of trials and tribulations. Some of these situations test their confidence and make them wonder where they fit in with the rest of the world and their peers. After an appointment with Dr. Don Demas, you might find that they need braces, but you can teach them that what they give out to the world, they can bring back.
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by | Aug 7, 2014 | Orthodontic Treatments
Five Tips in Caring for Your Braces During an Orthodontic Treatment
In order for braces to do their job properly, which is to bring the teeth into healthy alignment, the patient needs to give them and him or herself the proper care. It’s true that braces can be uncomfortable, but they may be the best solution for children who might not have the type of mindfulness that is necessary for an alternative to braces like Invisalign. Here are five tips to care for braces:
1. Avoid foods that are chewy, sticky or both, like Turkish taffy. The foods to eat when wearing braces are soft and easy on the braces as well as the teeth. These include soups, custards and soft cheeses.
The patient should also not attempt foods that hurt to eat, and make sure that he or she eats slowly and with care.
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by | Aug 5, 2014 | Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom No. 10: Conceal with Color
It mostly applies to the ladies when they are choosing the color for their lipstick. Ladies are supposed to choose a light red or medium color lipstick. The reason the colors are mostly preferred is because they help in making your teeth to look whiter. The use of lighter colored lipstick makes your teeth to appear yellow. When used correctly, make up can make your teeth to appear whiter every day.
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by | Jul 31, 2014 | Orthodontic Treatments
Besides Straight Teeth, What are the Benefits of Braces?
Straight teeth create beautiful, full smiles. But the appearance of your child’s teeth isn’t the only reason to consider braces. Health factors such as the ability to properly clean and maintain teeth and gums should play an important role in your decision. Failure to keep teeth and gums clean can cause many health issues including heart disease and diabetes. Misaligned teeth that sit too close or too far apart make it difficult to brush and floss which can lead to increased cavities, gum disease, and tooth decay. Prevent future oral health problems now so your child won’t have to spend time and money correcting these issues later on.
Talk with your child’s orthodontist about the types of braces available. Options include traditional clear and metal braces that fit on the front of teeth, braces that fit on the back of teeth, and clear plastic aligners.
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by | Jul 29, 2014 | Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom No. 9: Brush Your Teeth When You First Get Out of Bed and Before You Get Back In at Night
Brushing teeth early in the morning after awakening and just before going to sleep are the two most crucial times as suggested by dental specialists to stay orally fresh. The essence of brushing before going to bed is to remove any food particles that may be trapped in between the teeth after taking dinner and it swipes off plaque from the teeth which is caused by dried up saliva or accumulated food particles.
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by | Jul 24, 2014 | Orthodontic Treatments
Can Lasers Make Your Orthodontic Treatment Faster?
You likely know that lasers are precision instruments. No matter the application, in experienced hands, lasers usually get the job
done faster than the alternative. This is certainly true in the world of orthodontia.
How Do Lasers Brighten Smiles Faster?
At Team Demas Orthodontics, we are the smile specialists. The newest orthodontia tools with built-in lasers help us precisely target areas where we can improve your child’s smile. Precision makes us more efficient and effective. We like those two qualities very much, and we imagine you do, too.
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